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Sunday, September 11, 2005


mosley wins!............. PEAT WINS!
over and out

Semi finals

Semi final results are coming in, news it that Tracy Moseley have come 1st with a 2.16.33, Sabrina Jonnier in 2nd with a 2.20.37 and rachel atherton coming in 3rd with a 2.22.60. looking very good for the brits. Mens semis results are not in yet but peat,gee and dan all seemed to be flying. ill update after the 1st runs.

2 of todays contenders

gooooood morning

Sorry for no update last night, was back late from the party in the fort. And what a cool party it was! With local boys Carson starting the gig followed by my new favorite band Live Siences.
Now on to the racing!
I haven't got the XC results YET, but in the 4x..... Kintner takes the win in the women's. In the mens a clash of the titans take place between lopes and Tschugg leaving the gate wide open for Leiiv Ove Oldmark coming in first.
That leaves Brian Lopes World Cup Winner followed by Prokop and Gracia. With the 1st brit, George atherton, coming in 5th.
Downhill practice is under way, with everyone looking very fast. Is this peats year!?!?
ill leave you with an image of nevis range, you decide whether its going to rain or not!
(i sure cant!)

p.s i haven't got the photos up of the 4x but ill get them up later this evening

Saturday, September 10, 2005

lycra, lycra, lycra

the satellite connection in the media tent is being slight sketchy so ill make this quick!
women's XC currently comming to an end. Mens XC about to begin in about 15mins. Weathers looking good, cloudy but dry. Nice breeze keeping the bast**d midges away, and the killer wasps on the 4X. 4X is to begin at 5 with it finishing at 7.30. Is it just me whos a little bit worried about the 4x being held that late, with the news that there wont be any floodlights. I see some very mad light and hellish midges!!

live update

D.H practice has just finshed and the weather is ace for racing!
Peat, Hill and gracia looking very fast in practice! with peat setting the fastest time yesterday at 4.19.15 Closley followed by Marc beaumont with a 4.19.55.
XC next. With the 4X later on. Gee atherton coming in 1st in qualifiction last night! with a 24.52! followed by Mickael Deleycke with a 24.55, Scott Beaumont not looking shabby either, coming in 3rd with a 24.58.
im off to get some red bull and douhnuts!
ill update later this afternoon.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Riders ready.....

aaaa its Friday!!!
what a magic 1/2 day its been. Sunny and dry, slight cold but who cares. The action is brilliant. DH practice seemed to run smoothly, there not using the new hip jump on the motorway due to the run out not setting in time. Contrary to popular dis-belief Steve peat is racing! His name is on the start list tomorrow (available HERE (ill scan them in a moe)) and I saw him in practice today.
Its DH quali. tomorrow followed by the 4X finals in the afternoon. o, and the xc! All the racers qualified for the finals tomorrow night with some added showboating! :D
take a look in the pictures, nice showboating and a couple of the new(ish) honda 4X rig.
keep it pinned for updates through the day tomorrow!

Monday, September 05, 2005


The Red Bull spine ramp in the Event Village, a new
feature for the 2005 World Cup at Fort William. Top Red Bull athletes
including BMX riders Kye Forte, recent King of Dirt World Champion, Bas
Keep, Jon Taylor and Owen Clegg; and pro skaters Pete King, Dave Allen,
Mattias Nylen and the No Comply Skate Crew will enthral the crowds as they
demonstrate some awesome tricks including 360 tables, turndowns and tail

The pro riders and skaters will also be hosting training clinics for all
those keen to pick up the basics and learn new tricks. Budding BMXers and
skateboarders are invited to try the Red Bull ramp for themselves ­ no
booking necessary, just come along on the day! Under 16's wishing to take
part in the ramp training clinics and free skate sessions require a parent
or guardian to sign a consent form. Forms can be acquired from Red Bull
skate ramp staff during the event.

Friday, September 02, 2005

red bull ramp

check the red bull spine ramp that's going to be at the fort over the weekend.

The No Comply Skateboarding team will be sessioning the ramp but its also available to ride yourself! If your under 16 you will need a disclaimer signed when is available HERE

fort bill WC gear

All ready fort william is gearing up for the world cup with the event village being already constructed. I was up the'range last night with the resident track builder and the course is looking sooo sweet! Things to check out:
-The wallride before the double berm/cheese greater bridge
-The MASSIVE him step-up addition to the motorway section.
The 4X track has also been getting a spruce up with the new jumps and much bigger berms! Hoping the additions will add to more of a race, as 4X is known for its 1st out of the gate wins past.

and the weather.... looks like sun on saturday but a pour down on sunday!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

roll up, roll up!

get your tickets pre booked now! if you want to be guaranteed gondola usage prebooking is essential! price and booking are found HERE
coming up to fort billy for the weekend? then leave a comment below!!

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